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All our tutors have current D.B.S. enhanced disclosure and indemnity insurance.


Tuition can be provided on all brass, woodwind and stringed instruments; keyboard, piano, guitar (electric and acoustic and bass) drums and voice, by highly reputable teachers who each specialise in their own area.


We can also provide whole class tuition for £30.00 and in some cases can even provide instruments. Please contact us for details

We can bring a selection of instruments to a musical ‘roadshow’ either during an assembly time, directly after school or early in the evening and explain to children and their parents how they can receive instrumental tuition.


We are responsible for all administration and finance and will deal with any problems arising by contacting parents directly.


The only thing asked of the school is to provide a comfortable teaching space and to arrange a mutually convenient timetable with the instrumental teachers.


Pupils will be encouraged and prepped to perform as soon as possible in assemblies and school-based events and will be prepared and entered for nationally recognised music exams as soon as they have covered the syllabus requirements.

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss anything further please contact us.

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